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know more,
do more.
Having studied a wide variety of individual behavior and organizational results for over 20+ years, the Analytical Ones’ team can quickly determine what matters most to your donors right now. And how to aid and advise you on what actions to take next for the ideal outcome.
Only by understanding your donors’ story can you create the fundraising that earns support, respect, and revenue.

Bill Jacobs
Fundraising Economist
Bill has over 25-years of experience studying the economics of donor behavior. The company he founded, Analytical Ones LLC, has developed the tools to help nonprofit organizations know more about their donors’ behavior.
In these challenging times, having Bill and his team on your side is critical so you can leverage your donor insights into actions that maximize your fundraising performance.
Data Stories
The Privatization of the United State Postal Service
The current administration has advocated for the privatization of the USPS. This initiative creates a lot of questions and sends a shiver down the spines of development directors for nonprofits that rely on mail appeals to raise a significant portion of their budgets....
The Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) State of the Sector Survey
Our neighbors to the north, ONN, released the results of its 2024 State of the Sector Survey today. Over 1,000 nonprofit organizations in Ontario participated in the study. The ONN results sounded familiarly discouraging: Four-in-10 nonprofit organizations responding...
Give your donors a rest from fundraising? It’s going to cost you!
This post co-authored by me and long-time friend and former colleague, Jeff Brooks, the most vigilant blogger in fundraising I know. One of most counterintuitive truths about fundraising is this: The more recently a donor gave, the more likely they are to give now....
Fundraising Forward
Postage rates and problematic delivery are making me rethink how fundraising might need to adapt moving forward. In 2024, First Class postage is a whopping 73 cents (who knew when those “forever” stamps don’t put the amount on them?) and nonprofit postage is between...
Test First Class Postage this Fall
One of the disturbing USPS trends – other than raising the cost of postage every year – is the bulk delivery of appeal letters with nonprofit postage. Over the past year, when I check my mailbox for the appeal letters I’m seeded on, I have noticed that I receive all...
Top 5 Mistakes: #1 Stopping New Donor Acquisition
I have been analyzing the fundraising business for nearly three decades and over the years I keep seeing nonprofit organizations making the same mistakes. These errors hold organizations back. If you are new to fundraising, please commit yourself to avoiding these...
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Bill Jacobs
35 Creekstone Drive
Hilton Head, SC 29926